World Earth Day – Our Earth, Our Future #1
Our Middle and High School students had the pleasure of having the founding members of Green Welfare Indonesia speak to them at our division assemblies Monday, 3rd May 2021. Our guest speakers spoke passionately on the topic of climate change and challenged our students to contribute their efforts to help Indonesia achieve a net-zero carbon emission.
The assemblies, aptly titled, “The Future We Can Build: Restoring Our Planet Through Us” reiterated what our students are taught in their Science classes: the climate crisis, its causes and effects, as well as its challenges. Although these topics may not be new to our students, what was interesting this time round was that the speakers were also students themselves. Thus, hearing their peers share their passion and perspective on the subject matter resonated well with our students and gave them a fresh perspective of this global concern. Our young are not outdone in their concern for the wellbeing of the Earth.
One of the speakers, Marmora Nathanya Momor, who is Green Welfare Indonesia’s Co-head of Marketing, is also one of our students in 11C.
“Do not wait to be able to do big things before you act” was the common refrain of the speakers. In their sessions, given separately to the Middle School and the High School students, they urged the students to do something as simple as watching their diet; not wasting food; not going for passing fashion; and reducing, reusing, and recycling. They also encouraged our students to consider pursuing a career in enterprises that promote green jobs. They all made the point that if we are all conscientious about our choices and actions, then we will be able to help save our planet Earth.
It is the School’s hope that by exposing her students to the passion of their peers for the welfare of the planet, they will also be inspired to be actively engaged in efforts to fight global warming and committed to living sustainable lifestyles.