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Parenting 21st Century Children
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Proudly Presents

Parenting 21st Century Children

Greetings BINUSIAN !
How does it feel to be a parent of young 21st Century children?
With gadgets and technology surrounding us everyday,
have you faced challenges in your parenting?
Join our Interactive Seminar “Parenting the 21st Century Children:
How to Become Wise Parents in Dealing with Children and Gadgets” on :

30th May 2015
10 AM – 12 noon
in RISE Sudirman, f7 – fX Sudirman Plaza.

For registration and further information
please contact:

021 2911 0066.
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#‎Englishcourseforchildren ‪#‎discoverthejoyoflearning

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BINA Nusantara

Jl. K. H. Syahdan No. 9, Palmerah
Jakarta Barat 11480, Indonesia
Telp. : (+62 - 21) 534 5830 # 2128 / 2170 / 2174
Fax: (+62 21) 530 1668