Academic Integrity in Research & Publication


Commitment in the form of actions based on noble values in carrying out the tridharma activities of higher education (Permendikbudristek 39/2021)

Avoid Violations:


1. Fabrication: Creating fictitious research data and/or information.


2. Falsification: Manipulating research data and/or information.


3. Conflict of Interest: Producing scientific works that follow desires to benefit and/or harm a particular party.


4. Multiple Submission: Submitting the same scientific manuscript to more than one outlet (Conference/Journal) results in it being processed in parallel in more than one outlet (Conference/Journal).


5. Plagiarism:

  • Taking part or all of another person’s work without citing the source accurately
  • Rewriting part or all of another person’s work without using one’s language, even if citing the source
  • Taking part or all of one’s previously published work or ideas without accurately citing the source


6. Illegitimate Authorship: Involves activities of a person who does not have a contribution in a scientific work in terms of ideas, opinions, and/or active roles related to the field of science.

  • Adding oneself as a co-author without contributing to the work
  • Removing the name of someone who has contributed to the work
  • Instructing someone else to create work as their own without contributing