BINA NUSANTARA-Northumbria University MoU Signing, New Ways of Thinking

CEO BINA NUSANTARA Ir. Bernard Gunawan dan Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Northumbria University signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutions. Through its existing partnership with BINUS International University, it offers validated BA Honours degree awards in Visual Communication, Fashion Design and Fashion Management to students studying at the partner organisation.
The signing of a formal memorandum between Northumbria University and BINUS International strengthens this collaboration and heralded the announcement of new undergraduate programmes in Interior Design, Industrial Design and Interactive Media Design, and a postgraduate programme in Multidisciplinary Design Innovation, being offered to BINUS students from next year.
“This is a major step towards establishing the UK as Indonesia’s partner of choice in education and research. The positive effect of these agreements will go further than simply providing scholarships.It will build and strengthen institutional links in teaching and research,” said David Willets, Minister of State for Universities and Science said.
David said, The signing of this memorandum further recognises our ambitious vision for the future. Northumbria University is in a market leading position in the international arena. Today, they are one of the top 20 UK universities for international students and we have a presence in more than 25 countries. By 2025 we aim to have significantly enhanced our international reach, working with high-quality overseas partners for teaching and research collaborations to extend our global range and scale,” said David.
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