US Immersion Binus International School Simprug

From March 28th until April 8th, 2013 some students from BINUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS had Immersion to United States called US Immersion. This is a combined programme between Simprug and Serpong campus as part of the School Immersion Programme. About 26 students from Simprug Campus and 16 students from Serpong Campus joined this programme.
Beside had an opportunity to immerse themselves into life at the different country at different schools, through this programme the students also introduced to some top universities in the US such as Stanford University, University of California – Berkeley, University of California – Los Angeles, Univesity of California – Santa Barbara and University of Southern California.
This is a very interesting programme. Beside visit the universities and attended some of classes, the students also got information first hand from the admission people about the campuses, the academic programme, and from other Indonesian students who have been accepted and are studying at those top universities. This might give them more information and hands on experience, so they will be better prepared later when preparing and selecting their future study after high school.
“For BINUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Simprug, this is actually our 4th USA immersion programme. We have also similar programme for other countries, such as Australia and UK”, said Ms. Elly Ruslim – Counselor of Diploma Programme BINUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Simprug (BM)