

  1. Permainan Sistem Gugur
  2. Permainan 2 Set
  3. Permainan 3 Set jika terjadi seri
  4. Catur yang dipegang harus jalan
  5. Open skak mati
  6. Swit wasit

Technical Meeting : 29Juli 2013

*Peserta yang tidak datang saat technical meeting maka dianggap mengundurkan diri




1. System Game – Fall

2. Game consist of 2 sets

3. If draw in 2 sets game, then do another 1 set (Total 3 Sets)

4. Once the player hold up chess, then must step in

5. Open Chess Off

6. Decide Referee in the beginning every match by both of players.

Technical Meeting : 29 Juli 2013

*Participants who do not come in technical meeting then considered to self-resign