Kasih yang Mempersatukan
11 December 2013
Kenali Manajemen Teknologi Informasi Perguruan Tinggi melalui Buku ENCAPSULATION IN UNIVERSITY
10 December 2013
CONGRATULATIONS FOR ALL THE WINNERS In Innovation and Enterprise Award 2013
26 November 2013
Innovation and Enterprise Award 2013 Goes To Grand Final
22 November 2013
BINA NUSANTARA Receives Indonesia Quality Award 2013
21 November 2013
Happy Youth Pledge Day
27 October 2013
BINUS CENTER selalu berupaya menetaskan lulusan yang tidak hanya bekerja di Industri melainkan mampu menciptakan Industri
24 October 2013
Inspirasi Bagi Negeri Melalui Program BINUS Talent Kids Scholarship
23 October 2013
BINUS Talent Kids Scholarship 2013 : “Inspiration for My Country”
18 October 2013